Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dewey Decimal System Podcast

Please note Soundcloud credits:

Library posters: Dewey Decimal System & Book Genres. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2015, from…nres-545868

The Dewey Decimal Rap. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2015, from
  If the video does not work here is the link: Dewey Decimal Podcast

This week I am looking at podcasts. Let me say these are FUN FUN FUN! I envision the students listening to this and visualizing what is actually happening. Much like reading a book. Maybe even using sketch notes. I will share sketch notes later.

The first podcast software I used was Soundcloud. This was just too easy. And unlimited recording was an added plus. A great system. I would like to have music so I added my own. Be careful when adding music as copyright laws need to be considered. I did use only a small soundbite and included appropriate citations. This is also for educational purposes. This took all of 2 minutes to learn and a few minutes to record. I would highly recommend Sound cloud as a podcast tool. This tool is simple and easy to use.

The second I used was Audioboom. This was not a good experience. I felt pressure to get everything recorded within a ten minute window. The pressure was too intense and I felt rushed. I had to hunt around to find a way to navigate the site. Finally, I find where to record and when I playback my voice is in slow motion. This takes more time than I want to spend on a regular basis. Of course, just like any other software, the more you use the product the more familiar you become. I would not recommend this site for podcasts.

The last product is PodOmatic. Initially, I am excited with the look and feel of the site. I do have to spend a little time looking around to find out how to create a podcast. Not to much time though. I did not like the idea that I have to create my podcast somewhere else and then upload. This site does produce professional looking podcasts. I just do not like the idea of going to several places. I would not recommend this product.

Of the three sites I experimented with, I love Soundcloud. This provides a one stop shopping type of experience and I am sold! The navigation is easy and this is a quick process. While the images are not so attractive, this site is great. So my students say "even a baby can do it."

This has so many applications in the classroom and the library. What a great way to help any student that may have absences or maybe out for an extended amount of time. Students can record what they learned today or even a concept. Students could record directions on how to do something. This is actually in line with the TEKS. For ESL students, this can take place of the old language masters. The teacher records the words in the native language and then in English. A teacher could promote visual literacy by describing and item that the students must draw. Students could even create pretend newscasts on current events. They love hearing their voice. They become instant "rock-stars" when they hear themselves on the Promethean board. This creates a memorable moment with a taste of learning. Podcasts bring to mind a famous tune sang by Mary Poppins that said "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down."


  1. Nice! I'm glad you used music as well, just because it's fun! This was great! Reminds me of

  2. I like the rap music, I feel like the students would connect to that!!

  3. Dr. Gross,

    That is a good video as well. I love using Youtube. Many times I run it through pureview first.

  4. thanks Mornee....the kids do love it but I am known as the singing librarian...I sing to them all the time

  5. I've used the YouTube videos before. They are really funny. My students ask to see it every year.

  6. Love the idea of "instant rock stars!" So true. When I had a student helping me record my podcast the rest of the class kept asking when it was their turn! Might have to make it part of morning time! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Thank you for your positive comments
