Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Younger American Reading Habits

Younger Americans' Reading Habits and Technology Use. (2014, September 10). Retrieved November 17, 2015, from http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/09/10/younger-americans-reading-habits-and-technology-use/ 

When I first looked at the title of this article I thought WOW! Then I realized teens are reading because they are in school. Duh. I got a little excited until I thought about the results. However, who really cares as long as they are reading right? Check out these numbers....

Then I thought about the older group. My first thought is they may have health issues that impede them from reading. I would highly recommend audio books to this generation. It amazes me how many people don't think listening to audio books is as good as reading. I disagree. Engaging any of the senses is gaining knowledge. The article goes on to discuss people purchasing books. A purchase is typically a hardship for many senior citizens. We must promote FREE at your public library. 

All of this to say people are reading digitally an in print. But lets look at the digital side of things. What are the numbers?

Interestingly enough --- we talk about a digital divide. Looks as though that divide is getting smaller. Or maybe people want to look "techy."

One of the most interesting things I found in the article was about information on the internet. Most people felt there was a good amount of information on the Internet and determining good and bad information is fairly easy (Younger, 2014). This may have started the trend to eliminate librarians. However, young people felt there was not enough information on the Internet (Younger, 2014). Now if that does not prove students need librarians I do not know what does. There is information on the Internet and here is where a librarian can help you find that information.

So if the library is where you find information....why are people not going there? Adults over 65 have the lowest rate of library use. There could be so many reasons to explain this. However, the next under group of individuals are using the library. 

Libraries are being used differently. This article reports while the brick and mortar libraries are being used less the websites are being use more (Younger, 2014). 

So here is the bottom line. Most young people know where their library is they just do not know what services they offer (Young, 2014). Most young people feel as if they can easily find things in the library (Young, 2014). We as librarians should be promoting the services we offer. The kids just do not know. We need to using digital devices to promote these services as that is where the kids are getting information. 

But here is the skinny on how people really view the library.....

Many views exist on why the library is important. The library is important to me because it is the one place you can go to find information you are looking for at no cost! Better yet reading is still free at the public library.

Go to the library....better yet.....take your kids, cousins, nieces, nephews....or maybe your parents!
4 pages

1 comment:

  1. We need to do a better job of letting people know what the library offers. That was always a treat when I was young, but I don't think parents now know how to let their kids know what there is at the library because they themselves don't know!
